What is an accessible website?

Posted on Dec 15, 2018 by יצחק נחמד - וובמסטר

What is an accessible website?

Data from accessibility studies indicate a potential increase of 25% -62% in the amount of visitors to your site as a result of the accessibility of the site.

The benefits of an accessible site
An accessible site provides customers with a convenient and user-friendly browsing experience. An accessible site is a site tailored to the needs of all your customers. People who do not perceive themselves as people with disabilities also need accessible sites due to vision problems (such as color blindness or difficulty reading small-scale writing). These surfers will feel uncomfortable at an inaccessible site, although in most cases they are unaware of the causes. In such cases, users will find it difficult to locate information and refer to another site where they feel more comfortable.

Cost savings
The move to providing Internet services and information will save about 90% of the operating costs of your business services. The more you train your customers to receive services over the Internet, the more you will save on the operational costs of the services you provide, as well as the delivery of mail via e-mail instead of sending mail, invoices and the like. In this case too, you must provide accessible e-mail, according to the principles of accessibility of Internet sites

An accessible website allows a surfer with disabilities and older people to surf the same level of efficiency and enjoyment as any other surfer. Building an accessible site is not only a matter of social commitment and of meeting strict standards in laws and regulations. The accessibility of your site will significantly increase your ranking in search engines and will open up new opportunities for you to reach a new target audience and new market segments. An accessible site will upgrade your site level and make it better and more profitable.
The four principles for making your site accessible are taken from an accessible site

First principle: Perception - that is, the information and components included in the user interface must be presented in such a way that the user can easily understand the content on the page using the senses available to them, or using the technology when necessary.
Second Principle: Operable - The components and navigation method of the user interface on the site will be executable without requiring unnecessary or complicated operations, meaning that the users will activate the site or access other pages only by means of operations that can be performed easily.
Principle 3: Understandable - The user should understand the information on the web page and how the user interface is run, ie, the content and functionalities of functions on the page should not be beyond the comprehension of a standard user.
Fourth principle: Technological stability - The content must be stable enough to enable reliable translation of the content by a wide variety of means of presentation and browsing, including assistive technologies.
These are the principles, and it seems that this will be a simple task, but a task that can be met if you know how to approach it.
There are three levels of accessibility to sites
Level A
Level AA
Level AAA
Well what is required for Level A

A text alternative to non-text content
ALT TAG for photos
CAPTCHA audible alternative (letters or numbers will be played on the computer speaker)
Help input input
Automatic detection of input errors and focused error notification using sample text Using SPRY ()
Provide precise instructions for input input Example Description in (LABEL)
An alternative to pre-recorded media, video, or audio
An audio or video clip will have a stop mechanism, volume, and playback rate
Audio clip - text alternative
Video - Subtitle
Flexibility in presenting content without losing information
Meaningful title for each page
Do not format the page quantitatively
The content order is meaningful
Clear and readable design
Proper code syntax of the page (HTML) W3C standard
Contrasting colors of writing and background
Meaningful links (do not use click here)
Each link, button or similar thing will contain some design elements
Enable control of scrolling, flickering and automatic movement
Avoid design in the form of epileptic seizures
No more than three flashes in one second
Text content that is readable and clear to read
Use a navigation bar at the top of the page (BREADCRUMBS)
Registration of the interface language and content in the page code
Ability to control the site only through the keyboard without the help of a mouse.
Without requiring a specific typing rate
Do not use the keyboard focus / focus setting. The keyboard focus is the area marked on the screen that can be moved with the keyboard arrows, and on web pages it is not visually visible
Setting a meaningful index tab
A sufficient reading time for the page without auto refresh
Ability to control the time to read the page (except for real-time events)
Automatic update control mechanism
What is required for an accessible AA level site

Level AA includes all the properties of Level A and the following properties

There will be an alternative to live media, video or audio
Live subtitles
A pre-recorded video clip with subtitles with event descriptions or a description of the events
Help input input
Suggestions for fixing input input error
The details entered on the form will always be requested after being filled in by the surfer, providing the required repair options
Providing an opportunity to correct input errors
A document that provides an overview of the details and their approval
Flexibility in presenting content without losing information
Option to resize text up to 200% without using any help
Clear and readable design
Do not use text images
Use HEADINGS and LABELS to describe the content on your site
Contrast ratio of text and background 5: 1
Text content that is readable and clear
Registration in the code for changing the language in different parts of the page
Control the site
Ability to locate a page on the site using a number of methods (such as searching or navigating via links)
The interface of the site will allow you to visually locate the focus of the keyboard
What is required for an accessible AAA level site

Level AAA includes all the properties of Level A and AA plus the following properties

Alternative to Media Video or Audio
Do not use audio clips that serve as an artistic backdrop to the content of the site
A pre-recorded video will have a sign language translation
Extended audio descriptions for all video clips
Audio broadcast live will have a textual alternative
In the audio section there will be a difference of 20 decibels between background sounds and direct speech to the listener
Clear and cold design

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