Determining SEO prices

In today's competitive world, a business that wants to stand out above all others must promote its website. SEO, also called organic promotion, is the total number of actions that a professional performs in order to improve a site's position in the search engine. The site promoter does this by improving the code and structure of the site, writing articles, inserting keywords that are relevant to your business area, building external and internal links on the site and more.

If you have decided to promote your site, you must have applied for quotes to promote your site. SEO prices vary and can range from 500 to ten thousand shekels or more. A particularly cheap price will usually indicate poor quality of work, duration of promotion and productivity, and will not necessarily provide the right response to your site. Before you choose a website promoter, it is important to know that there are different conditions that affect the costs of website promotion:

Competitiveness in your field?

How competitive is your domain and how strong are your competitors? When the market is rich in competitors, the pricing for website promotion will be higher. Take for example, if you are engaged in a highly competitive profession such as law, you will be required to promote your site massively in order to appear on the first pages of Google.

What's your budget?

Before applying to SEO companies, it is important that you find out what your budget is. Every business has many expenses like property taxes, rent, water and electricity, and you have to take that into account. At the same time, it is important that you understand that promoting your site is not just an expense, but a worthwhile investment over the long term that will help highlight your site above all and thus help you gain more customers.

The reputation of the site promoter

Like any business, SEO is a matter of supply and demand. The more in demand the website promoter will require the higher the pricing for his services. The reputation of the website promoter is influenced, among other things, by his experience - how much experience he has in the field of website promotion and what his achievements are. When you talk to a website promoter, ask him to show you his successes in promoting various websites, not necessarily in your business. Try to test his professional knowledge in the field, how much he is aware of various innovations in the field of SEO and how creative and professional he is.

It is important to know that some promoters have more difficulty in self-marketing and therefore their pricing is cheaper, but this does not necessarily mean that they will do a less good job than promoters who require a particularly high price.

The reputation of your site

The reputation of your site also matters when it comes to getting a quote from a site promoter. If you are the owner of a large and well-known company, the site promoter may compromise on the price in order to advertise your site in his portfolio and thus give prestige to his professional experience.

Content Writing

In order to properly promote your site, it is necessary to publish articles in your domain on the site. There are webmasters who will offer this service for you, and there are those who are not in the field of writing articles and will leave you this job. The price of website promotion may vary according to this component, and it is worth checking carefully whether the website promoter is also involved in writing content or recruiting content writers.

How much you claim

Rome was not built in one day, so your site will not appear on the first page of Google in a week. The SEO process is an ongoing process that takes time, but there are clients who demand to see immediate results. In such cases, the site promoter may ask for a higher amount in order to get you results more quickly.

How much does it cost to promote a website?

As mentioned, website promotion can start at NIS 500 per month and reach more than NIS 10,000 or more per month. Promoting a website at a price of NIS 1,500 will usually suit a business that is in its infancy, that does not face many competitors and that a relatively low level of investment is required to promote it. Website promotion at a price of NIS 2,000-3,000 will suit a medium-sized business that has medium competition in the field of about 15 competing sites. Website promotion at a price of more than NIS 5,000 will be suitable for large companies with a particularly oil budget in a competitive field and that require investment in long-term promotion.